Portable Pen Light Curing Unit has an ingenious design. Can be moved from room to room and is equiped with its' own housing compartment, or connect direct to your delivery system like a handpiece. Complete resin composite curing with LED light. Autoclavable with 360 degree rotation. The Luminary 3.0 Turbo Curing Light is a wireless powerful curing light that delivers a steady light power consistency.
With a light output of light output 1000mW/cm2 -2500 m W/ cm 2 it can deliver a strong turbo mode 2500mW/cm2.
- Cure 2mm resins in just one second!
- Swivel light probe 360 degree rotation
- Working Modes: Low or High
- 6 time settings:1 seconds,3 seconds,5 seconds,10 seconds, 15seconds,20 seconds
- Battery Life 400 (10 Second cures) with one charge
- Strong turbo mode 2500mW/cm2
- Light Output 7000mW/cm2 -250 0 m W/ cm 2
- Lithium battery with CB certification ensures safety and reliability
- Lámparas fotocurado