Dental Burley Chucks is for use with emery cloth band to dress down dentures. Simple adjustment by turning the knurled nut in the middle of the arbor. Dental chucks are the important parts of the denture improving system in the dental labs and clinics. The dental chucks are the small, partly cylindrical shaped instrument which is used to shape the denture according to the required dimensions. Many a times, the dentist is not satisfied with the looks of the dentures. At that time, the dental chucks are used. Dental burley chucks are quite popularly used in the dental labs and clinics and they have proved to be of great benefit for the successful finishing of the different types of dentures in the dental clinics. The dental burley chuck is used along with the emery cloth band which is inserted into the chuck and then it is connected to the handpiece. The handpiece is then operated with the motor. Many a times, these dental burley chucks are fixed in the self rotatory machines kept in the dental labs. The arbor is quite long as compared to the head of the chuck. Therefore, it can be adjusted from the middle of the arbor and the band and the head of the chuck can be coordinated and fixed accordingly. The finishing as well as polishing of the dentures have been done in an appreciating way in the recent times. The speed of the handpiece can be customized by the user so that the denture can be improved in minutes. Therefore, dental burley chucks are of great use in the denture appearance modification in the recent times. There are various types of chucks available for the left side as well as the right side of the denture. This insures that the band and the chuck can adapt properly on the surface of the denture and work in a proper way.