Dental  - Tooth Fractures

11th Aug 2021

Dental - Tooth Fractures

In the world of dentistry dealing with dental health is the number one concern. Dental fractures or cracks are common and can occur during trauma or due to poor dental hygiene and can occur at any age but are usually more prevalent to adults older than 25 years old or more. When this occurs, the symptoms produce pain but they can be treated easily. We will look at the type of crack or fractures low and the treatments available.

The first and most common tooth fracture is called oblique supragingival fracture and it occurs usually when you bite down hard on food or an object. Usually this type of fracture doesn’t involve the nerve root and happens above the gums. Some people wait enough time for the fractured part to fall off so they can have pain relief. If the fractured part of the tooth doesn’t fall off than you might experience pan form the exposed dentin where you would need to go to the dentist to have the tooth repaired. The dentist will determine if the fracture is to large to just leave it as is and might have to place a crown to prevent from further detrition on the tooth.

The second type of fracture is the one that exceeds below the gum line, and is known as an oblique subgingival tooth fracture. The problem with this is that the remain tooth that stays attached to the gums

resulting in tremendous pain. When the remaining piece of the tooth is removed from the gums, the tooth will be similar to a supragingival fracture. While this doesn’t normally affect the nerves, the structure of the tooth is compromised a root canal will probably recommended to clean out the tooth core before any crown and post can be put on it. Depending on the depth of the fracture into the gums, the dentist will know if the tooth can be saved or not.

The oblique root fracture doesn’t involve the tooth crown at all. This fracture is almost always below the gums, usually under the bone. If a root fracture is in the crown of the tooth, it usually proves to be a lost case for repair. Even though you can have an endodontic procedure like a root canal, the tooth can be lost later period in time due to an abscess of the bone that surrounds the fracture.

Vertical apical root fractures are the most difficult type of fractures to deal with and they occur at the tip of the root. Patient experience severe intense pain because fragment of the tooth put pressure on the bone and surrounding areas, even if a root canal has been performed on that tooth in the past. The only way to subside this pain is to perform a root canal.

Tooth fractures can very common and painful, and they should always be examined and diagnosed by a dentist to see if there other underlying issues. In tier care they will be able to determine the type of fracture it is and the best course of action for pain relief and prevention. They have the necessary endodontic tool and experience to provide comfort.