Amalgam carriers are usually made up of stainless steel and are available in different types which includes hand type of amalgam condensers as well as mechanical amalgam condensers. Mechanical alloy carriers are available in further sub types which includes impact type and vibratory type. The functioning of these types vary with the purpose of the amalgam condensers and the teeth location which is being dealt by the dentist. Hand condensers are double ended instruments. The nibs also known as the condensing tips are available in different shapes and sizes so that every area of the teeth in each of the quadrants can be handled in a proper way at the time of the restoration. The force provided in each of the teeth varies with the tooth to be treated in the quadrant. Some of the commonly used shapes of the condenser tips are round, elliptical, triangular, diamond, parallelogram and rectangular shapes. The sizes of the amalgam condensers which are commonly used are small round condenser and large round condenser. The working ends vary with the type of the amalgam used in the preparation of the cavities. Serrated working ends are used in case of the spherical amalgam and the non-serrated working ends are used in case of the admixed amalgam. The non-serrated type of amalgam condensers have smooth surface whereas the serrated type of amalgam condensers have rough surface.
- Double Ended
- Made of Stainless Steel